Sailor Moon Crystal episode 2 review

Moonies, did you catch episode 2? I just finished watching it and I can say I’m really excited to write this review. I had to stop the episode just to take a few notes, because I’m thoroughly impressed with the show and it’s only episode 2.

The story is following the manga so I had no quarrels there and even if it diverged a little, it’s going about it quite well. In this installment (spoilage alert) we glimpse Queen Beryl in the beginning and Rei at the end while Ami joins Usagi. The episode was so clean, so polished and colorful, it sprung to life on my screen and just had an overall good feel to it. So far, they’ve done an outstanding job with crystal and though I was previously upset with the CGI, but now I feel like it’s going to grow on me. Luna, Ami and Usagi are adorable, and everyone is sporting their chic fashion and shiny lip gloss. Crystal lives up to it’s name; It’s glossy, shiny, new, crisp and sparkling in it’s own way.

In the post “My Predictions for Sailor Moon Crystal,” I mentioned the old school technology that they used in Sailor Moon, the previous anime, and how we could expect more advanced technology that would reflect our time. We see that coming out in this episode when Ami uses a compact disk (think DVD) instead of a floppy disk (pictured below), and again when Luna activates what seems to be an advanced database with Ami’s personal information in it.

I also liked Ami’s new pose and speech: “douse yourself in water and repent.” Her new attack (least it seems new) looks amazing and just fits so well. Tuxedo mask was also quite dashing in his own way; he didn’t give any speeches, he merely saved Sailor Moon, supported her effort and left as mysteriously as he entered. I had to rewind the episode, because I didn’t even realize when he came in or how (which I really liked).

Something about this episode feels so different from the first one, it almost feels like they improved on a few things from the 1st episode (if that even makes sense), but overall I enjoyed it. I was really excited when Usagi transformed into Sailor Moon, the character design and colors of this episode. I also noted that they tried to explain things, not leaving you hanging as to how a pen transformed Ami, but Luna admits she’s responsible for it. Why is that important? I’ve watched so much media and material that holes are apparent and it seems like they’re trying to make sure there aren’t any, that things connect well and go over smoothly…well done Crystal.

Watch this episode folks, it was a really good one. Tell me what you thought about it in the comment section. i also have a new facebook group where I discuss and share anime related posts: