Sailor Moon Crystal Season 1 Review

Moonies, Season 1 of Crystal is officially over. Season 2 is already upon us and I have mixed feelings about the first season. Let’s get into the review.

Have you seen Act 14? “Conclusion and Commencement” is the final chapter of the first arc. “Conclusion” refers to Sailor Moon and Metalia’s epic battle, while the “Commencement” piece is the set up for season 2. Folks, I’m reviewing Act 14 then season 1 as a whole.

I dislike the last episode. No amount of sugar can coat this and make it any less sour for me. The so-called “epic battle” is anything but, and the entire episode is rushed and feeble. The past few leading up to this one are the same. The season decided it’s time to end by all means necessary and forgot about its viewers.

Moving right along to Sailor Moon Crystal season 1 as a whole, I like most of the first season, but many pieces irk me and I believe it could be smoother. Generally, I caught strange plot-holes or awkward moments that don’t make sense. However, the major problem with season 1 was the lack of time spent on the sailor soldiers i.e. Usagi’s bitches, because let’s face it, that’s how they’re treated.

There isn’t any real character development on their parts. From a strategic standpoint their powers make sense when we first see them (.e.g Ami’s bubble mist was awesome). However, I wish the series spent more time developing them so we could watch them make gains and mature into their roles. This would make more sense in latter part of the series, because it seems like they keep pulling stuff out their asses; abilities that were never available are conveniently there to fit the story. I keep asking myself where these abilities come from and when/how did they develop them. I hated this coming to the final episodes. They aren’t given enough screen time; As a result, there isn’t enough detail about their attitude, abilities and character development and it made watching the final few episodes a painful experience.

I won’t explore the plot-holes and inconsistencies throughout the episodes, but I did note how Tuxedo mask knew where Usagi lives when he’d never been there. Correct me if I’m wrong please, because either that’s a hole or he should change his name t0 stalker mask/kamen. It’s also  “interesting” how they yell each other’s civilian names in front of their enemies. Don’t believe me? Sailor Moon yells Makoto’s name before she transforms into Sailor Jupiter. This violates Super Hero Identity creed (unless your Ironman). How is the enemy so stupid that in a time with super computers, magic and special powers they can’t research everyone in Japan with that name and go after them? Did no one think of this?

I like the idea of the Silver Millennium and the Moon Kingdom. I also appreciate the moon visit and learning more about the history; really well done on their part, but the ending episode was strange. Usagi had to say a prayer to the moon to achieve her best powers and when she vanquishes Metalia, supposedly her greatest foe in the series, it feels anticlimactic, rushed and easy; No point discussing it further, go watch.

I feel good about the animation; I love the colors and how bright and glossy it looks, albeit I have issues with their frail, thin frames because I feel it promotes the wrong message for young women…Oh well, right? Changes are made; at least it seems like changes are made, but during the last episode, after staring at the characters their sharp edgy designs are apparent.

Look at their noses, they look like small mountains on their faces; protruding, pointed peaks with a sharply sloping forehead to nose area. I’m not kidding; they took the moon arc seriously. You could run a toy car off their foreheads and it would pick up speed and leap right off.

Ok, I’m being difficult, right? Can you feel my disappointment? I grew up watching the other series and mid-season I had high hopes for this one. Sailor Moon Crystal isn’t a total flop. It has some really great pieces, an interesting story-line, character developments (mainly Sailor Moon/Usagi) we never see in the previous Anime and some cool battle moments. My favorite scenes are Venus’ entrance and Tuxedo Kamen punching Zoicite (hell yeah!).

The music has its touching moments but it feels like someone left their music player on repeat after the first few episodes. I miss ‘Carry On’ from the last battle and ‘Rainy Day Man’ etc. from the first series…Oh! You think I don’t know the names?! You’re mistaken…

I give the first season a 7 on 10. I almost gave it a 6 if not for the mid-season. It starts weird, gets better during the middle, but the last few episodes almost ruin it. The series is too short and could have been 25 or more episodes easily. The mature vibe they use is perfect and I think it’s an amazing change from the previous Anime’s cartoon-like element, but the show feels like a rushed workout, and it doesn’t show and explore of its world and characters enough. Hopefully in season 2 they’ll correct some of these problems.

Folks, it’s been a pleasure and an honor to have your attention. Thank you. Share your thoughts about the series. Would love to hear your experiences.

Sailor Moon Crystal Episode 13 Review

Happy 2015 moon fans! If you haven’t seen episode 13 it’s been out for a few days so catch it at your nearest convenience. I’ll try to keep the spoilers low and the points high as we dive head first into another review. Let’s go!

Episode 13, titled Reincarnation, picks up from last episode’s cliff hanger. I still remember staring at the screen while eating lunch with my jaw dropped. It’s like me and my lunch were waiting to see what was next, but like all tense Anime moments, it cut to the end song shortly after. Folks, this episode was…well, it had its up and downs. I felt much better about it until I started working on this review. Naturally, I’m generally positive and try to overlook the problems, but as I’m putting thoughts to blog, I can’t help the feelings.

It was a good episode; note my expression here, “good.” It had it’s interesting moments but sadly much of the hype that was built up by the previous episode’s ending was lost in translation. I also dislike the powers of the Senshi at this point. Some of their powers just seem to appear out of no where. Where were these powers before? How come we’re just seeing some of them now? I will say that there are other powers that I enjoyed seeing and I was happy for the explanation they offered about one of their big attacks. They give us an idea of why the pen is mightier than the sword (I’m so punny! hur hur!).

Here’s more of what I did enjoy. I liked a large amount of the dialog. I liked seeing how Sailor Moon and Endymion stood next to each other. I liked how the Sailor Soldiers gave everything for their dear friend and princess. The more I reflect on them, the more I realize how the writers captured that “soldiers of love and justice” theme. They’re mature and are willing to give their lives for what they love and believe in. I have to respect that. Everyone pitched in; even some unlikely faces who were oxy-cleaned (I swear, if you only saw last episode…) made a guest appearance. This leads me to the enemy of the episode, Metalia.

Queen Matalia is serious; I like the way she’s portrayed and the work they’re putting in to take her out. We see some serious power being shelled out and it’s expected that more will come in the ne–Oh! Are you ready for a major spoiler? Oh my gosh! Here it comes! READY!…This isn’t the last episode…

That’s right kids! Act 14 is on the horizon and so is season 2. Without walking too far down this road, I’ll say that the series is too short. You agree with me right? I think most people do at this point. It’s almost a let down that there are 14 (who knows if they’ll extend it to 15) episodes in the series. Who does that? This beloved series deserves more episode time. Though I understand they’re trying to follow the Manga, someone needs to tell the producers that we’ll watch it regardless. We’ll watch it, we promise.

Well, thanks for reading folks. Catch episode 13 and let me know what you thought. I can’t wait to see Usagi sweep that evil bit–(ahem) out the door, so we can move on to season 2. Yes, that large, powerful rod she’s wielding looks like a cleaning tool…one that’s used to clean fools up.


Sailor Moon Crystal Act 12 review

Oh man! I’m a week late! Merry belated Christmas and holidays to all those who I didn’t get to speak too. Moonies, I hope you had a great holiday season and have Happy New Year when it arrives. It was such a busy week, but I’m here now and I’m read to do the review for SM Crystal episode 12. Let’s jump in!

Act. 12, named “Enemy – Queen Metaria” picks up from the last episode where Queen Beryl and Mamoru continue their assault on the Sailor Soldiers. The episode focuses on this battle with little to no diversion. We’re boiling down to the end folks, this is it the final battle is soon upon us. We witness glimpses of the past from Beryl’s angle and say farewell to a few familiar faces, but the end of this episode will leave you in shock and awe. I can’t believe what I saw and I can’t dare spoil it for you.

The episode went by fast–maybe too fast–and it made me scratch my head at some of the powers and feats the senshi achieved . Have you ever watched something and felt the authors pulled stuff out their ass just so the characters could get by? Yeah, a lot of that happened here and it felt overwhelming. Where were these powers before? I could trace a few back to the original Anime and to previous episodes in SM Crystal, but some of the others were completely new. I would understand it better if they’d introduced these powers, or someone explained that they had them all along but needed “xyz” in order to achieve them. They sort of just…appeared and there was no real lead up or explanation on how they were suddenly  able to do them.

I enjoyed seeing the back-story of Beryl, it gave me feels for her in a new way. Another interesting point is the way she was “handled” in this episode. It’s different from the Manga, but they may have changed that for the audience.

Still, the episode was entertaining and the end will create some buzz. I’m shocked, really I’m shocked at what happened and you will be too if you haven’t seen it. I can imagine the tissues and napkins that were used for this episode.

Folks, I’m keeping it short. I won’t spoil it. If you’ve seen it, then you know exactly what I’m talking about and in the next episode we can expect the final battle and the wrap up for season 1.

In other Sailor Moon news. Season 2 has already been green lit and here’s the first promo pieces. You recognize the pink hair right?

Hey, what’s that thing she’s pointing at Usagi’s head? Interesting…

For more details, click the image above from Anime News Network. They give us the scoop on season 2 and who, and what, we can expect from the upcoming series! I’m excited, are you?

Thanks for reading! Happy New Year when it arrives Moonies!





Sailor Moon Crystal episode 11 review

I’m here, I promise I’m alive even if I’m not all too well. Tiz the season to be merry and we have a new episode of Sailor Moon Crystal to cover. Let’s jump in and get started!

The title of this week’s episode is “Endymion” but for some reason after the opening scenes I feel like I need a talking cat to help me get my act together (What would Usagi do without Luna?). I’m really getting the feels for Usagi in this version. I’m feeling for her story and her emotional struggle. Her past life and the life she’s now leading have been meshed together and she’s left with broken memories, trying to stand tall in the present and move forward for her future.

It’s hard for her–I get it–especially after learning about the love of your life and how tragically things ended. Naturally, you won’t want a repeat; of course, she’ll try to fight her best. The series is about Usagi, Sailor Moon; I know some of you have complained about the lack of time invested in the other characters, but they’re supporting cast members, maybe we’ve been spoiled from the last version? I’m happy they’re focusing on Sailor Moon/Usagi Tsukino’s struggle.

I’ve never felt particularly amazed by Usagi, she always felt slightly goofy and even though I thought the show was cool she was never really my favorite until now (Hotaru and Haruka for the win). Isn’t that the goal? For us to feel more invested in the main character and less on the supports? It’s debatable right? regardless, I’m enjoying this and I applaud the direction they’ve taken.

This episode focuses on Mamoru being turned by Queen Beryl. Do you remember when that happened in the old series? It’s happening all over again, but his approach is different. After watching this episode I noticed it falls in line with what I feel is the general theme, or focus of the show. I’m having trouble putting it eloquently so I’ll just put it out there: “Emotions.”

What does a teenager, an adult and a child have in common and they all go through regularly? Emotional struggle! The whole show feels more focused on emotions and feelings, and less on battle and magical powers. Well, I’ll digress that I’m also thoroughly enjoying the battle sequences and the powers, but that’s for another time. In this show there’s less minion bashing and a deeper focus on the story’s characters, and the things that guide them toward their behavior.

Whether the emotions are attacked, used, twisted and/or manipulated we’re seeing it play out in these past few episodes. I’m feeling more involved with Usagi because we’ve all been there at some point and the story is doing a good job of portraying how she’s feeling, and giving her a real sense of grief over the things in her life.

They aren’t really solving things with fists or with special powers yet, it’s like the real battles are being fought outside of the proverbial “battlefield.” Why do I think this? Watch Mamoru’s interaction with Usagi in the gaming center, sure he’s been turned, but he knows she likes him and that he has some measure of control over her emotions. Still not convinced? Watch the way he touches her…

As the episode rolls on I’m seeing the manipulation play through more. That’s what this is all about isn’t it? From Queen Metalia working on Queen Beryl to the Sailor soldiers and…whoops! I can’t say that or I’ll spoil it. You’ll have to watch the episode friends. There’s an impressive fight scene followed by a scene involving one of our feline friends (the cat I wish I had in real life). I must also applaud the show for its use of tension and choosing the perfect places to stop the episode to keep us waiting for the next one.

Can you tell I’m enjoying the story? I’m really digging into this show and I can’t wait to see more. Thanks for reading; like and subscribe to the blog. Feel free to share your opinion too. I enjoy a good discussion.

P.s. This episode had a real long transformation segment. I mean damn…


Sailor Moon Crystal episode 10 Anime review

What’s up moonies! Hope you’re having a great week. As you may already know, Episode 10 of Sailor Moon Crystal is out and that means another review is in session. I’m enjoying the series; Are you enjoying it too? I’d love to hear your thoughts on the show, but before that let’s get into Episode 10 and see what’s cracking this week!

Pack your bags! Make sure you’ve got your toothbrush because we’re going to the moon! Frank Sinatra ain’t got nothing on us! Episode 10 is titled: “Moon” and if you’ve seen the previous episode then you know the senshi are going on a field trip to uncover their past and find answers for their present.

Before I continue, I do my best not to spoil anything and If I’m planning on throwing one out there I’ll give you a heads up by creating a section for it. So now that we’re clear let’s move to the episode!

In this episode we visit the past again and see more scenes explaining what happened. We also learned what happened to the Moon and Earth Kingdoms, Usagi & Endymion and the senshi. I can’t help but feel a little Romeo and Juliet vibe after seeing certain scenes in this episode. I’m also getting the sense that there are a few other references that Naoko used for this series.

As usual, the color and life in these episodes along with the music help portray the scenes that really bring on the “feels” for the characters. Even if you’ve watched the old Anime, this episode feels new. It’s true to the Manga (for those confused souls) and we see things from a different perspective that’s unlike it’s predecessor.

I’m liking the series, especially the story and the way things are progressing. The art work, music and other elements feel fresh and engaging, and I’m curious to see what else will be different. There are a few pieces here and there that don’t add up; inconsistencies and plot-holes, but I can’t say they’ve been so major as to ring the bell (not yet at least). I do catch them, at least one per episode, but you have to really pay attention to catch some, while others are a bit obvious. There’s also a constant walk down memory lane vibe; there’s flashbacks upon flashbacks and some weird dialogue here and there, but it may just be a translation issue. Otherwise, the series is entertaining and you can expect more to come.

Thanks for reading! Until next time, enjoy the new moonie gang sign. Prism Power Mudda ******!!


**Spoiler Alert ahead***

Question: So the sailor senshi knew all the generals before and had a relation with them…so, when Zoicite and Kunzite get turned evil did their sexuality change too? I’m confused…If that’s the case, what message is really being sent here?

**Spoiler ended***